The Ryan Gosling Along Row 5


It’s finally arrived! Row five of the Ryan Gosling Quilt Along is here. For some of you this is the last you’ll want to see of 2 inch squares for a very long time. But for others, the addiction has just set hold and you’re already thinking up new and exciting ways to use these teeny tiny squares in future projects. In any case, it’s time to get sewing and finish this handsome quilt off!

Ryan Gosling Quilt Pattern key

For Row 5, Column 1, you will need:5 1

49 “W” shade squares

8 “C” shade squares

5 “B” shade squares

4 “A” shade square

34 “X” shade squares


For Row 5, Column 2, you will need:5 2

15 “W” shade squares

19 “C” shade squares

6 “B” shade squares

10 “A” shade square

50 “X” shade squares


For Row 5, Column 3, you will need:5 3

21 “W” shade squares

25 “C” shade squares

5 “B” shade squares

4 “A” shade square

45 “X” shade squares


For Row 5, Column 4, you will need:5 4

37 “W” shade squares

12 “C” shade squares

4 “B” shade squares

6 “A” shade square

41 “X” shade squares


And that is every single block of the Ryan Gosling Quilt, completed. What a feeling! Now it’s time to join each of the rows up, then sew each row together. What you’ll end up with is a lovely Ryan Gosling Quilt top all of your own.

All you need to do now is to make your backing. I opted for a very simple backing for my Gosling as I didn’t want to draw attention away from the front of the quilt. Make sure you sew your backing allowing for 20cm more fabric on every side of the quilt top. This allows for any mistakes while quilting and I find it gives me peace of mind to know that I won’t have to re-do the backing later.

This is what I chose for my backing:


I was so excited about finishing off my Gosling that I completely forgot to add a label. I am kicking myself of course but will just have to add one on later.

Last but not least, here’s another photo of my finished Ryan Gosling Quilt flapping around in the wind!


Thanks for sewing along with me 🙂

Ryan Gosling Quilt Along Row 4


We’re up to row 4 of the Ryan Gosling Quilt Along and as of today, I am getting married in exactly 4 weeks! How the time has flown! I’m so incredibly excited and also nervous about how on earth I’m going to get everything done in time. There’s so much to buy for our new house and I wish I could be stocking up on Kona Solids too! You’ll all have to do it for me and show me your creations so I can live vicariously through you. There will be no new fabric for me for a decent while yet unfortunately. (Although with a wedding, honeymoon in Fiji and a new house to move into, I really can’t complain!) But back to Ryan Gosling. This week you are sewing Row 4.
Ryan Gosling Quilt Pattern key

For Row 4, Column 1, you will need:4 1

87 “W” shade squares

8 “C” shade squares

0 “B” shade squares

3 “A” shade square

2 “X” shade squares


For Row 4, Column 2, you will need:4 2

1 “W” shade squares

37 “C” shade squares

20 “B” shade squares

2 “A” shade square

40 “X” shade squares


For Row 4, Column 3, you will need:4 3

0 “W” shade squares

25 “C” shade squares

24 “B” shade squares

8 “A” shade square

43 “X” shade squares


For Row 4, Column 4, you will need:4 4

80 “W” shade squares

7 “C” shade squares

5 “B” shade squares

5 “A” shade square

3 “X” shade squares



Only one more row to go! It’s time to start thinking about what you would like to do for your backing. I like to plan my backings as I near the end of my quilt tops, so that by the time I’m ready to sew the backing I have a firm plan in mind. Don’t be afraid to try something new…

Happy Sewing!

Ryan Gosling Quilt Along Row 3


Row Three of the Ryan Gosling Quilt Along is here! When you’re finished this one you’ll be more than halfway, which is always a good feeling. Make sure to keep checking up on yourself with regards to your seam allowances. If you’re not paying attention it’s very easy to start creeping wider or thinner and if you sew just one block that bit smaller or larger than the rest, it is very noticeable when you’re joining all the blocks together.

Ryan Gosling Quilt Pattern key

For Row 3, Column 1, you will need3 1:

55 “W” shade squares

19 “C” shade squares

11 “B” shade squares

2 “A” shade square

13 “X” shade squares


For Row 3, Column 2, you will need:3 2

0 “W” shade squares

18 “C” shade squares

38 “B” shade squares

19 “A” shade square

25 “X” shade squares


For Row 3, Column 3, you will need:3 3

2 “W” shade squares

22 “C” shade squares

27 “B” shade squares

27 “A” shade square

22 “X” shade squares


For Row 3, Column 4, you will need:3 4

54 “W” shade squares

11 “C” shade squares

21 “B” shade squares

7 “A” shade square

7 “X” shade squares


It was at this point that I began getting excited about making my next pixel quilt and started wondering about buying in bulk and pre-cutting so that by the next project I’d already have the thousands of squares in various shades of grey. This quilting thing is quite addictive!




Ryan Gosling Quilt Along Row 1

So it’s finally here – day one of the Ryan Gosling Quilt Along! Yesterday I spoke about the Feminist Ryan Gosling ‘Hey Girl’ memes which in part inspired this quilt along. Today I thought I’d share another couple with you. The ‘Hey Girl’ tag took off and started being used in all kinds of creative ways and I thought you might like these ones because they are craft & sewing themed!


But enough of the pretty pictures, on to the sewing!

Below you will find three things: a Quilt Pattern Key, a zoomed in Block and the Fabric Requirements. The Quilt Pattern Key is to help you keep track of your blocks each week and to make it easier when it comes to assembly. The Zoomed in Blocks are close ups of each block. It will tell you exactly how many squares you need for that block in particular. Assembling 4 blocks will give you a row.  Obviously the Fabric Requirements are to let you know how much fabric you will need to complete the entire quilt. Since they are the most important, we will start with that:

Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 9.55.13 am
The finished quilt measures 72 inches by 58 inches with these measurements.

The Quilt Pattern Key and Close Up Blocks will be posted each week in groups of four until it’s all finished. Eventually I’ll put the complete pattern into a handy PDF for you all to download and enjoy that way. But for now we will sew along week by week. You can work at whatever pace you like. Please do email me any photos of your progress as I’d love to share them with everyone during the quilt along. You can also choose whatever colour fabrics you would like to use. Using grayscale makes it easy to customise to a different colour scale so that’s why I made my one in grey. Anyone who was also involved in The Happy Zombie’s Ron Swanson Along will know that people made Ron’s in all different colours, and some had him in grayscale but gave the background a colour etc. It was so awesome seeing everyone’s unique take on the pattern and was lots of fun. If you haven’t already, I’d definitely recommend checking it out.

But before we get going there are a few more niggly things we should run through first: 

1. You can print out the instructions on this page for your reference by the sewing machine. Just make sure you check your printer settings and make sure you do a print preview to ensure the face maps and zoomed in squares are fitting onto the page.

2. I’m not a very fussy seam folder – I have no set system for folding to one side or down the middle etc. I generally just work with the fabric – if it’s more inclined to fall one way then I’ll encourage it to do so with the iron.

3. This quilt along assumes a basic level of sewing knowledge. If you haven’t made a quilt before then I’d recommend doing a few google searches on quilting & patchwork basics as I won’t be running through those on here.

4. If you want to grab a button for your website or blog, here it is:

gosling quilt along4

You can link it up to this address: which will send people to the very first announcement of the swap with all the links to each weeks instructions.

5. This is a free pattern that has taken me MONTHS to put together including all the cool little buttons and icons you can see on the site. I’m thrilled to be sharing it with you for free but if you do use it or think it’s cool please link the button to your site or share it on social media so people know that you are participating.

6. I work full time and am house hunting and wedding planning at the moment (Excitement is an understatement!) but I will endeavour to answer every comment posted, so don’t be shy! It might take me 24 hours to get back to you, but I will get there.

7. Endless lists and copyright legal stuff is incredibly boring and detrimental to fun sewing times so let’s all just agree that it’s a fun pattern, we’ll go at our own pace and we will share photos and dramas along the way? Yes? Awesome! Let’s go!

We will be starting in with the top row of the quilt, which is the top of Gosling’s head and a lot of background space. Now you could look at this as a pretty boring row OR you could see the million options for customisation. I liked popping in colourful squares into these white spaces to make it more interesting, but you might like to change the background colour altogether. I also like putting swirly or hair-like squares in to represent actual hair. Have a good think before you get started about what you would like your finished Gosling to look like. Time spent in reconnaissance…

Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 10.02.39 am

To make your life easier I’ve also made a Zoomed in version of each block for this week.

For Row 1, Column 1, you will need:1 1

85 “W” shade squares

7 “C” shade squares

2 “B” shade squares

1 “A” shade square

5 “X” shade squares

(Remember to look at the Fabric Requirements chart above to see the shade values. You can use greys like I did or use the chart to select varying hues of another colour family.)

For Row 1, Column 2, you will need:1 2

21 “W” shade squares

25 “C” shade squares

13 “B” shade squares

12 “A” shade square

29 “X” shade squares

(Don’t forget to put in some little highlight squares occasionally. Make sure the square generally matches the shade of the colour it’s representing, e.g. a black square with white dots would be a great one to use in place of one of the “X” squares.)

For Row 1, Column 3, you will need:1 3

42 “W” shade squares

9 “C” shade squares

21 “B” shade squares

18 “A” shade square

10 “X” shade squares

Make sure to work slowly – it’s really easy to make a mistake with these blocks and not notice. And unpicking these takes a LONG time.

For Row 1, Column 4, you will need:1 4

95 “W” shade squares

0 “C” shade squares

0 “B” shade squares

5 “A” shade square

0 “X” shade squares

Some people like to cut a slab of white fabric for blocks like this, rather than cutting out each individual square only to sew it back together again. There are two reasons why I don’t like doing it that way:

1. My maths is terrible and I ALWAYS end up making a mistake and having to awkwardly trim the square back to the right size.

2. I like the look of seeing each square individually sewn like the traditional pixel quilt. I think it looks so much more detailed and impressive and is worth the time and effort. Plus it allows you to pop in fun novelty squares very easily.

But at the end of the day, this is your quilt so if you would like to cut a big slab of white – go for it! Be sure to show me pictures so that I can see the alternative 🙂

Happy Sewing!

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Here is my Ryan Gosling ‘hanging out’ at a local park in my area. Remember to email photos of your progress to so we can all enjoy the Gosling Goodness and provide feedback and advice about colour choices etc. This is going to be really fun so stay tuned! Make sure to follow on Facebook too for daily updates and sharing of other sewers progress photos along the way.

Also, I’d really like to get my quilt in the same room as the real Ryan Gosling for a photograph… who knows, maybe we can make it happen….

The swap continues

By now there should be packets of tiny squares zipping around the world finding their way to swap partners!

If you’re still yet to make contact with your swap partners, please do so. I’ve emailed everyone I’m swapping with now to exchange addresses and am still waiting on a couple to let me know where to post their squares to. (That’s ok, squares don’t have to be posted until the 12th) I did spend a good hour on the weekend packaging up all my squares, making sure I put them in little plastic baggies so that they wouldn’t get damaged or wet in transit etc. It was fun and I can’t wait until I can send the remaining few off to their new homes.

PSQ Envelopes to partners

Another thing to note is that we do have a couple of people who appear to have gone AWOL. If you are paired with one of those people, please be patient. I will give them until the 10th to make contact and if they still haven’t then I’ll arrange new swap partners for you. If you have extra squares and would be happy to volunteer to swap, comment below and I’ll be in touch if I need your help.

But in happy, fun news, I’ve already received one lot of squares! Aren’t they beautiful? I simply adore the card and the squares are from great fabrics. (Check out that lion!) Thanks Natalie C, I’m thrilled.

PSQ 2015 Swap Natalie Note PSQ 2015 Swap Natalie Squares


That’s it from me today – I’m off to my full time day job now and will spend the evening arranging backup partners for the people affected by AWOL swappers. Happy swapping everyone and I hope some squares are arriving for all of you over the coming days so you can share my excitement.

Next week I’ll be sharing some photos of the squares that have arrived to use all so if you would like to lay out your new squares and take a photo and send it to me, I’ll include it for everyone to enjoy.